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Our Vision, Our Purpose, Our Values

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the Leading International Bank in Turkey.

Our Mission

Throughout our history we have been where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities. We enable businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, helping people fulfil their hopes and dreams and realise their ambitions. This is our role and purpose.

Our Values

  • Our values describe how we interact with each other, with customers, regulators and the wider community. Our business principles set the standard by which we set our strategy and make commercial decisions. Together our values and business principles form our character and define who we are as an organisation and what makes us distinctive. They describe the enduring nature of how we do business. Each employee is expected to bring these values and business principles to life through their day-to-day actions and to make a commitment to put these values at the heart of how they behave.
  • In addition, all employees are expected to act with courageous integrity in all they do. This means having the courage to make decisions based on doing the right thing but without ever compromising the ethical standards and integrity on which the company was built. HSBC's values and business principles are underpinned by this guiding principle.
HSBC Values
Dependable and do the right thing
  • Stand firm for what is right, deliver on commitments, be resilient and trustworthy
  • Take personal accountability, be decisive, use judgment and common sense, empower others

Open to different ideas and cultures
  • Communicate openly, honestly and transparently, value challenge, learn from mistakes
  • Listen, treat people fairly, be inclusive, value different perspectives

Connected to customers, communities, regulators and each other
  • Build connections, be aware of external issues, collaborate across boundaries
  • Care about individuals and their progress, show respect, be supportive and responsive